Thursday 4 June 2009

The Thursday Night Ramble

Well then its 5pm, nobody has a fresh idea for a blog post so you lucky, lucky people get to here me (that is Ben... We should really identify ourselves better) rant and rave for a few hundred words. Aren't you lucky!?

Well we are T-minus 8 days till the album launch. We all got given our advanced copies last night at rehearsal and they are officially amazing. That means if any of you haven't headed over to to order your copy (along with the tickets to the launch next Friday) then you need to do it. Now. It's okay, I'll wait...

...good. Other than that, we have no news to report. We have been working hard to ensure that we are on top form next week, and for the rest of our gig run. I'm sure there is other news I should be reporting, but frankly its sunny and my thoughts are firmly entrenched on a pint of beer.

Oh, and don't forget to go out and vote today. It takes three seconds and makes you cool. Anyone who turns up at the launch at Jagz with proof that they voted gets a free kiss on the cheek from Emma. Luckily for me, I voted 7,281 times...

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