However, with every great photo come a few fairly bad ones – as will be documented below. We’ve found out over the years that without Emma in the band to take the focus off the rest of us, we generally are one of the most un-photogenic bunch of people around. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why she likes working with us, as she knows when a photo is taken, even if she looks bad, she’ll look good standing next to the rest of us.
But what the hell, we’re an acoustic roots band – the roots scene is full of fat men with stupid beards.
Anyway – example one of a bad band photo:
This is the ‘better’ one of the two on offer today. We’re actually looking here at a Bracknell chav kitted out in full tracksuit with a hood. There were many around that morning for us to choose to look at, but I think his lime green attire fixed our gaze, with comments such as ‘why would you even think about wearing that’ and ‘I wonder how many kids he’s fathered’ being branded around.
Ben however preferred to look down at the comedy clown shoes he was wearing that day…..
This second one is just horrendous, however I’m fairly confident we did say at the time it would be rubbish.
The original plan was to have Emma stand on the bench, with us around her – however, we didn’t take in to account the main road and copious amounts of houses that would have been in the picture. So, cue good idea to take a close up shot with the camera looking up at us. This idea has led me (Phil) and Gethin to look like we could be Siamese twins, with Gethin sporting the cheesiest grin I’ve ever seen and me being possessed by a devil like presence. Ben seems to be almost an afterthought in the photo (some might say he’s an afterthought most of the time – not I though, I’m always standing up for the guy).
So there you go, just a brief glimpse of the photos you won’t be seeing on an All Things Considered record in June – however next week we’ll be starting our competition to win these photos printed on a fine set of drinks coasters – a prize money can’t buy...
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