Thursday, 2 April 2009

If We Were A Business

Exciting times indeed. The news of our (get ready for the first shameless plug...) 12th June album launch at Jagz has already generated a few ticket sales, which is pleasant. Based on that, I really should hurry up and design said tickets...

Other than that, we have been having a quiet week really. Emma is off sunning herself somewhere, Phil and Gethin have been working hard on the promotions side, Adrian has gotten our artwork pumped out and I've been holding the whole endeavour together by cracking wise at each and every opportunity. Oh sure, I could do something a little more constructive, but the others all seem to have it perfectly under control. Who really wants to go that extra mile and find work. If this was a real business, I'd be fired.

In fact, bands often do run a lot like real businesses, with everyone having different roles. I think if we were an actual “business” so to speak, we would all have the following roles -

Phil – Managing Director

I make fun of him like its going out of fashion, but I think its fair to say that he isn't nearly as bad as I make out. Most of our bookings come through his connections, he takes it upon himself to make sure we all know where we need to be and what we need to do. He is a pretty decent driving force, and I don't think the others will begrudge me saying that.

Emma – Promotions Manager\Finance Director

Because Emma is so wonderful, she can pull double duty here. Emma is probably our Promotions Manager as, to put it simply, she is great at meeting people and it is impossible to hate her. Plus, if you're a promoter who would you rather nag you for a gig – her or one of us blokes?

I have also given her the title of Finance Director. This is because she is the one who knows the sort code to the band bank account.

Adrian – Art Director

Its simple, pretty much every photograph, illustration and bit of marketing material you see us with was designed by this great man. If we didn't have him, I shudder to think what would happen. Everything we did would be designed in crayons and coloured in with felt tip pens. And I bet we wouldn't even get them between the lines.

Gethin – Marketing\Web Design

Gethin can get a double job description as well (but you only get one pay check *rim shot*). The site you are reading this on, our own website and pretty much each and every other site we are plugged into online are his doing. Bravo!

Ben (aka me) – Erm...

You know that guy that always seems to be hanging out by the water cooler, or making tea, or outside smoking, or in a meeting room clearly not having a proper meeting? You know that guy who never usually does anything, is the worlds quickest at Alt + Tab-ing down windows he shouldn't be looking at and says cringeworthy phrases like “Hey, you working hard or hardly working?” That's me in this scenario. Emails fly around the others willy nilly with sensible conversations and I spend all day trying to insert juvenile gags into it. I know what Alan Sugar would say to me...

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