Monday, 15 June 2009

First of all, we'd like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who came along on Friday. The album launch was a huge success, and we couldn't have done it without your support! A big thank-you also to our support acts Matt Wellard and Naama Hillman for providing wonderful music (check out their websites if you haven't yet!), Al Heslop for doing a great job with the sound, and Tom from Tomodo for coming along and taking some great photos. I'm sure I've forgotten lots of other people, so thanks to all of you too!

Other than that there's not a huge amount to say really. We've got LOTS of gigs planned over the summer, up and down the country, so please come along to some of those - there's a list on our website. Also, one more plug (yes, I know, it seems to be all that we've done the last few weeks...) - as the album is now officially released, you can buy your copy in any of a multitude of ways - at, from Amazon (hard copy or MP3), and from iTunes, as well as of course from any gigs that we play. Make sure you get your copy soon, as copies are currently quite limited, so they may not be around for long!

Anyway, thanks again, and we hope to see you all again in the very near future!

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