Wednesday 9 March 2011

March Update, Local Gigs


We thought it time for a little update – seeing as it’s been a while since we last spoke.

The last time we put a post out I think we were just about to play the support to Idlewild frontman Roddy Woomble in Reading. Well, you’ll be pleased to know that went off without a hitch! It was a great night – a really nice crowd, good music and the headline act were excellent company. We’re hopeful of a few more of those support gigs this year.

We have a few live dates coming up in the next month or so to tell you about – and it would be great to see some of you there for them.

This Thursday (10th March) we are playing what is probably now our annual (or at least 6 monthly) show at The Cellar Bar, South Hill Park in Bracknell.
Very much a hometown show... well for some of us anyway. This one is actually a full Artree Music showcase, as it features our little acoustic stable of Phoebe Wright and Scattered Few on the bill. Should be a really nice event – with tickets £5 on the door. It kicks off at 8pm.

On 6th April we travel the relatively short distance to Fleet for a feature set at the newish Propaganda Presents night, funnily enough at The Propaganda Music Canteen. This is one of the great Vic Cracknell’s events – which we always love playing and are well worth attending because the standard is always stupidly high. It is also free entry – so no excuses!

The album is slowly but surely coming together. We don’t have any further news with regards to release but we’re very pleased with how it is sounding. This is a big release for us so we’re making sure we use all the time we can getting it absolutely bang on. I’m sure there will be a few dates set in stone soon. We will obviously keep you posted.

Anyway – thanks all for the continued support, and it’ll be great to see a few of you in Bracknell and Fleet in the coming weeks.


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